Fire Fare Event Contract
Fire Fare Event Contract
Booking Process - Fire Fare creates an estimate based on your menu selections and service requests. You can tentatively reserve a date for 10 days ‘without commitment’. If you do not book during that time, the date will be released for alternative bookings. If you decide to move forward with booking service, Fire Fare will process a deposit for an estimated 20% of the grand total (of your estimate). The deposit is partially (85%) refundable until 90 days prior to your event after which the deposit is non-refundable. Your deposit will be applied to the final balance and this is indicated in your estimate. Your estimate document will serve as the ‘Event Plan’ for your party. All details for your event will be enclosed in the ‘Event Plan’.
Payments - We accept all forms of payment. Payments, invoicing and receipts can be managed via email. All payments are final.
Final Invoice – Your ‘Final guarantee date’ is 10 days prior to your event date. This is the date that you submit your final guest count and details. Your final invoice will reflect the number of guests (& details) provided on that date. If there are cancellations after the final guarantee date, the invoice will still reflect the grand total for the guaranteed number given on the final guarantee date and will not be discounted. We can accommodate additional guests (or add ons) until 2 days prior to your event.
Final Plan ‘IMPORTANT!’ – Details enclosed in your event plan ‘after the final guarantee’ must be reviewed, completed and accurate. Any messages you would like to deliver to the staff working your event can be delivered here. It is essential for your event’s success that we have accurate information in your plan regarding - dates, timing, locations/direction details, food restrictions, special requests, equipment requirements, gate codes, etc. If your details are not visible in the plan they will not be addressed and can compromise the experience. Please take your time in the final review process and contact us with any questions or set up a final contract review. Email or text details to – / 510-460-5249
Food Prices – ingredient pricing can be subject to change and may increase menu item costs *based on market pricing. Menu price adjustments are exceptionally rare and would be due to unforeseen acts of God, ingredient safety compromised, quality concerns or supply/demand complications. Your invoice will not be increased after final guarantee date.
Labor – ‘Drop off’ scenario catering events do not require additional labor and some service/equipment is included with menu cost. All labor will be indicated in your estimate. Additional labor fees only apply to events that request additional services such as; plated meals, bar-tending, wine presentation, extensive clean-up, catering staff on site, etc.
Fire Fare 2023 Labor Rates (per hour): Chef - $45 / Server - $30 / Bartender - $35
Service Charge – a 22% service charge is visible in your estimate. Service charge applies to; fuel/delivery, credit card processing, team meals, equipment maintenance
Use of Powell Butte Event Center – Fire Fare customers have exclusive access to a breathtaking fully functional event center with mountain views and 175 person capacity. Inquire at for more information . Site fees - $500 4 hours / $1000 10 hours with several amenities included with site fee. Additional event center contract required in addition to Fire Fare event contract.